Make an impact through the act of giving

We have helped thousands of individuals to increase income and reduce their taxes. We serve our friends by offering ways for them to be the good stewards for the resources given them. We offer this site to assist you with planning so that your values will extend to future generations.

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A Bequest to Further Good Work

A Bequest to Further Good Work
Nancy and David were dedicated volunteers. Over the years, they had seen many individuals accept Christ through the Hope Channel Broadcast. They wanted to create a legacy to provide future resources to continue its work.

Dave: The work of our favorite charity was important to us and we provided support with current gifts, but wanted to do more. We received their newsletter and noted that we could make a gift from our estate and join the legacy society. We saw a picture of smiling people just like us and we wanted to be part of that group.

Nancy: We met with our lawyer to revise our wills and we each included a provision for a bequest. Our lawyer put language in the will that allows a percentage of our estate to go to Hope Channel. This was easy to arrange and permits us to still use our assets during our lives if we need them.

We told their gift planner about our decision and were excited when we were invited to a special event honoring us. We will continue to make gifts during our lives, but it feels good to know that our support will help in the future.

You also may want to make it easy and convenient to have a bequest included in your will. The language link below shows how a bequest can very easily be included in your will.

You might find it helpful to print this page and the bequest language. Please feel free to give this information to your attorney. If he or she has any questions, please contact us.

Click Here to review sample bequest language.

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